Sunday, March 18, 2012


The story starts out in the heart of America where everything was perfect. It was a land that flourished with trees, farms, picturesque fields of orchards and wildflowers.  The author then says that even in the winter the birds still came to feed on berries. The water was also cold and fresh out of the hills. Then one day an “evil” came over the land. It got everything and everyone sick and they died. There was stillness around the land. Nothing would grow nothing would survive. No one did this to this great land …they did it to themselves.
            This story reminds me of the movie WALL-E. This movie is about a distant, but not so unrealistic future. WALL-E’s earth used to thrive with people and nature. But just like in the story A Fable for Tomorrow the people ruined that. In Wall-e the earth is over-run with garbage and is extinct of plant and animal life, the consequence of years of environmental degradation and thoughtless consumerism. It gets so bad that the people have to leave. we need to take care of our planet and appreciate nature because it might not even be here in the future.

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