Thursday, May 24, 2012


The day was perfect, the night was darkening, and the stars glistening, but among this perfect atmosphere, trouble arose in the sky. On the eve of his wedding with Lysandra, Vincent was terrified to find Lysandra’s body floating amidst the clouds. Horrified, Vincent soon knew of his brother’s evil doing. Lucius had been planning to kill Lysandra before Vincent’s wedding. This is because Lysandra would gain control of half of Lucius’ powers. Lucius wanted the power to be all his and he either wanted it all to himself or to share it with the love of his life Lysandra, he couldn’t have her so he got rid of her. 
Vincent could do nothing but rage, his beloved wife to be was gone. So in his anger he created a stone like object hard enough to hurt Lucius. He confronted Lucius and in fury he started throwing these rocks at them. Lucius was quick, he kept dodging so the rocks would fall and they started creating the earth.  Vincent started to get irritated so he made the rocks bigger, still he kept missing. The bigger rocks fell down to the earth making beautiful mountains. The two men did nothing but fight for hours creating a place where man could start a life.
What Vincent and Lucius didn’t know is that Lysandra was not dead. She was watching the two men fight the whole time. She was seriously hurt so she couldn’t move. The only thing she could do is watch and cry. Her tears fell through the sky and onto the earth that Vincent and Lucius created. She couldn’t stop crying because she loved them both. She was a very loving woman and her tears carried the love of a mother. Her tears carried all the children she would have bestowed but she could never have.  Her tears fell down the mountains creating beautiful waterfalls… and to this day she still cries. All her children on earth come to see the stunning attraction made from above.

the place is Niagara Falls

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