Thursday, May 24, 2012


     As a girl reading this checklist my first impression was, this is totally true! My mom always tells me that I need to work hard to get a good hob and to rise about the rest…men. Number 6 states this perfectly, “if I do the same task as a woman…chances are people will think I did a better job” (p. 536).  I have experienced this personally in my life. I was mowing my grandpa’s yard with my cousin; he’s a boy and my same age. My cousin mowed the front yard and I mowed the back. My cousin did a horrible job, and I thought I did a pretty good job. My grandpas came outside and he immediately yelled my name and told me that I have to fix the front yard! I was so mad! He assumed just because I'm a girl that I can’t mow lawns. My grandpa felt pretty dumb after I told him my cousin did the front lawn.
                Another male privilege that really made me kind of mad is number 24, “even if I sleep with a lot of women, there is no chance that I will be labeled as ‘slut’’ (p. 537).  This makes me furious. If a girl is dating guys just to see what she wants in a guy, she is automatically degraded and labeled as a slut because she can’t stay with just one guy. On the other hand, if a guy gets with a lot of girls he is a hero in the man world. All guys want to be like him. So it is acceptable for guys to get around but not for girls.
                Men do have a lot of privileges, as well as disadvantages. But these days’ women are expected to be able to do things men can do because we’re trying to become a more equal country.

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